Exploring Public Transportation Options in Durham, NC

Explore your public transportation options in Durham NC. Learn about buses, light rail, bike routes and more. Get an idea of the cost of living in Durham compared to other cities in the US.

Exploring Public Transportation Options in Durham, NC

The City of Durham is a great place to live, work, and play. It offers a combination of higher education, business opportunities, and fun activities that make it an attractive destination for students and families alike. With its affordability, Durham is the perfect place to start from scratch. The City of Durham is dedicated to providing its citizens with a variety of transportation options.

To this end, the department plans and obtains funding for public roads. In addition, the City has implemented the Shared Streets pilot project to provide safe options for traveling and exercising on seven streets. It's essential to be aware of the public transportation options available in Durham so you can make informed decisions about how to get around the city. There are numerous choices available, including buses, light rail, bike routes, and more.

To get an idea of the cost of living in Durham compared to other cities in the US, take a look at this parallel graph of the average cost of renting a 1-bedroom apartment. By understanding the public transportation options available in Durham, you can make smart decisions about how to get around. Whether you're commuting to work or school or just exploring the area, you'll be able to find a convenient and affordable way to get around.

Elisa Divalerio
Elisa Divalerio

General zombie nerd. Certified zombie lover. Lifelong food lover. Avid twitter practitioner. General travel nerd. Devoted travel fanatic.